Workday HQ

Client: Workday
Services: Fit out
Value: €20.5M
Start date: 2015
Finish date: 2021
Size: 185,000ft2 / 17,000m2
Professional Team:

Project Manager: Lafferty
Structural Consultant: OCSC
Services Consultant: ARUP / Metec
Quantity Surveyor: AECOM

Burgert Van der Walt

Burgert Van der Walt Senior Associate

A best in class Great Place to Work, designed for future expansion.

King’s Building, Smithfield, Dublin 7

A landmark on Dublin's Church Street, the King's Building is the European Headquarters for Workday, a leading global provider of human resources and finance software services.

MCA undertook full architectural design for all floors of the building including open plan offices, meeting rooms, break out spaces, reception, shower suite, training rooms and conference facilities.

View/Download Case Study (PDF)

Monastic environments for focused work.

Acoustics were a primary concern for the client. MCA were requested to deliver ‘monastic’ environments for focused work, while allowing for team neighbourhoods. These were separated by shared agile working areas and meeting rooms across the floorplate. A particular innovation was the creation of a shared scrum space at the heart of each wing.

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