Cumberland Place Phase 1
Client: Hibernia ReitServices: Refurbishment, fit out
Sustainability: LEED Platinum

Seamus Thornton Associate Director
LEED Platinum Office Building
Fenian St, Dublin 2
Phase 1
This project saw Cumberland House undergo a full carbon conscious Architectural re-modelling to LEED Platinum standard. The original building dated from the early 1970’s and had been in office use since its inception. It is situated in an area of historic and cultural significance. A carbon conscious contextual design response was key and considered from the earliest conceptual design iterations. The project included upgrading the overall building to a B2 BER rating and the re-use of 98% of carbon intensive existing structure and façade.
The new architectural interventions, including the reception box, window box and commons box, while contemporary, are informed by the proportions and underlying mathematical language associated with neighbouring Dublin Georgian architecture.
The Client’s appreciation of the architectural concept to juxtapose sculptural design interventions within the raw fabric of the existing building led to an exciting opportunity to create a design scheme far beyond industry refurbishment norms.