Cookies Statement

This website uses Google Analytics 4 which is set to anonymise tracking by default. All advertising features (‘Signals’) and ‘Advanced Settings to Allow for Ads Personalisation’ have been disabled and the reporting identity has been set to device only, not by User ID [it is assigned a random integer], so we cannot identify users or access any personal data.

There are no other cookies set for this website.

Visits to this website are logged for statistical purposes only. No information is collected that could be used by us to identify website visitors and we will make no attempt to identify individual visitors, or to associate technical details with any individual.

Google Analytics with anonymised IP works by shortening Users’ IP addresses within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.



Google have developed a Google Analytics opt-out browser extension to provide the ability to prevent any data from being collected for analytics.